The Founder

Born in 1976, Günal, in his early childhood, was mostly interested on electromechanical gadgets inside and outside the house more than anything else. Almost each and every electrical household appliance got once stripped down to the bone and put back together and ended up being repaired at a shop.

Together with the Whiz Kids (US TV Series broadcasted in 1984), he got attracted to computers. It is in this TV Show that he learned about modems and telecommunications.

Since then, he studies, practices, advises, designs, sells and implements commercial carrier-grade software and telecommunications solutions for customers with highest SLAs.

Major Professional Milestones

1996First “Hello” over public Internet
1997First static web site (geocities)
1999First router set up
2000First commercial dynamic web application
2002First commercial .net/sql web application (CMS/FE)
2002First commercial internet TV in Turkey (Front/Back-End Dev)
2003First U.N. Emergency Response Operation
2006First teaching class
2008First visit to Silicon Valley
2009First BGP config on a mobile packet backbone
2010First end-to-end nationwide telco infrastructure design (full stack)
2011Second globally certified Senior Solution Architect
on Network Integration (ERICSSON)
2013First market introduction of a product to become industry standard in Turkey
2015First time reaching US$10M in solution sales
2019Founded ARKITEK